Can You Power Wash Composite Decking?

TLDR: Yes you can! Just be sure to take some precautions to ensure you don't accidentally damage your deck.

You can power wash composite decking, such as Trex, as it is typically more resilient than natural wood. Still, using excessive pressure, abrasive cleaning agents, or improper power washing equipment can lead to damage. Follow these guidelines to ensure the longevity of your composite decking.

  1. Check the manufacturer’s recommendations for your brand and model of composite decking. Some manufacturers may have instructions for power washing or cleaning that you should follow to avoid damage.

  2. Adjust the pressure washer to a low setting. Composite decking is typically more resilient than natural wood, but using excessive pressure can still cause damage. Start with a low-pressure setting and gradually increase if necessary, but avoid high pressure that may mar or scratch the surface.

  3. Nozzle Selection: Use a wide spray pattern nozzle, such as a 25-degree or 40-degree fan tip, to distribute the pressure evenly and reduce the risk of concentrated damage. Avoid using a narrow or pinpoint spray nozzle, which can be too focused and potentially harm the composite material.

  4. Cleaning Solution: In most cases, composite decking can be effectively cleaned with water alone. However, if you encounter stubborn stains or mold, you may need to use a mild detergent or specialized composite deck cleaner. Again, refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines for recommended cleaning solutions.

  5. Technique: Maintain a consistent distance from the composite decking surface, typically around 6-12 inches. Move the power washer wand evenly and smoothly, following the wood grain pattern if applicable. Avoid staying in one spot for too long to prevent surface damage.

  6. Test in a Small Area: Before power washing the entire composite deck, test the pressure washer and cleaning method in a small, inconspicuous area to ensure it does not cause any unwanted effects or discoloration.

  7. Post-Cleaning Care: After power washing, thoroughly rinse the composite decking to remove any residue or cleaning solution. Allow the deck to dry completely before using or applying any additional protective treatments or sealants, if desired.

Remember, it’s always best to consult the manufacturer’s guidelines for your specific composite decking product. By following these guidelines and using appropriate pressure and techniques, you can safely and effectively power wash your composite deck to remove dirt, debris, and stains.

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